Archive for Author: admin

medicine for shih tzu

Human Medicines for Shih Tzu

Many human medicines contain the same active ingredients as the Shih Tzu versions, you can often alleviate your Shih Tzu’s symptoms with prompt care using appropriate choices from your own medicine cabinet. It’s worth remembering: it’s always better if you can talk to the vet you trust. Shih Tzus...

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shih tzu growth

What Age Does A Shih Tzu Grow To?

Knowing the stages of growth of Shih Tzu is very important to provide us with knowledge for optimal care and to meet our expectations for them. Today we are going to find out how old the Shih Tzu grows. Compared to humans, the growth rate of Shih Tzu is...

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Why Do Shih Tzus Sleep A Lot

All Shih Tzu spend most of their time sleeping. The obvious question is, why does Shih Tzu sleep so much? How long does a Shih Tzu need to sleep? Shih Tzus need more sleep than humans. As adults, they will spend between 12 and 15 hours sleeping, while when...

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