Are Shih Tzus jealous?

Are Shih Tzus jealous?

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Why Shih Tzus Feel Jealous – Whether a Shih Tzu experiences jealousy largely depends on the upbringing they’ve received. They can exhibit jealousy in various situations, primarily when another person or animal threatens to steal their spotlight.

Shih Tzus can become jealous when there’s a shift in roles, like when a new family member arrives. Therefore, the owners’ attitude towards this new situation is of great importance. A Shih Tzu’s jealousy can also be triggered by sexual reasons, such as competition for a female in heat, which is an instinctual behavior in dogs to ensure the survival of their species.

Your Shih Tzu may also get jealous when they crave more attention, especially when a new person comes into the house or when they feel their owners’ attention is being diverted elsewhere. They realize they’re not receiving the same attention and consequently feel insecure, which they’ll likely express to their owner.

Signs of Jealousy in Shih Tzus

How to tell if my Shih Tzu is jealous – A common question for Shih Tzu owners is how to be sure that their dog is suffering from jealousy. To determine this, you can observe certain symptoms or signs in your Shih Tzu:

  1. Changes in their daily behavior, like sudden growling for no apparent reason, which then subsides on its own.
  2. When a new person or a new Shih Tzu puppy arrives at home, and your Shih Tzu shows signs of irritation, this behavior is likely due to jealousy.
  3. They might act possessive and protective of the person or puppy they are jealous of, following them around obsessively.
  4. In some cases, your Shih Tzu may resort to biting objects, a behavior they didn’t exhibit before, to gain the attention of the person they are jealous of.
  5. In extreme cases, jealousy can become pathological, making coexistence unbearable. This is a challenging issue to resolve.

How to Control Shih Tzu Jealousy

Teaching your Shih Tzu not to be jealous – Education plays a vital role in preventing future jealousy in Shih Tzus. From a young age, you should get them accustomed to interacting with other Shih Tzus, pets, and different people. If they learn to share their toys, go on walks with other Shih Tzus, and interact with children, they are less likely to view new people or other Shih Tzus as a threat.

A New Shih Tzu Puppy at Home

Shih Tzu Puppies – If you already have a Shih Tzu at home and decide to adopt or buy another Shih Tzu puppy, you need to be certain that your existing Shih Tzu won’t have any problems with this addition. If you choose to let them live together, you’ll have to introduce them properly, let them sniff each other, and interact, but avoid leaving them alone in the initial days.

Learning to Train Your Shih Tzu

It’s crucial not to lose your temper or resort to physical punishment with your Shih Tzu because this will make the situation worse. Instead, establish your authority and make things clear. Also, allocate time for playing, walks, and feeding for both dogs. Provide equal attention to both dogs.

Preventing competition between them is vital. Dedicate the same amount of time to both, play with them equally, and treat them the same way, even if one is a puppy. This will help prevent jealousy issues, as your original Shih Tzu won’t feel neglected.

Additional Advice for Jealous Shih Tzus

You should set the rules, not your Shih Tzu. Don’t let them manipulate you. Establish a clear hierarchy where you are at the top, and they are at the bottom. If your Shih Tzu is jealous, the person or puppy they are jealous of should be the one to correct them.

To avoid food-related problems, ensure that both dogs eat from separate bowls and in separate locations to prevent food disputes.

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