Is Sleeping with a Shih Tzu in Your Bed A Bad Thing?

Is Sleeping with a Shih Tzu in Your Bed A Bad Thing?

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We will discuss whether it’s harmful to sleep with a Shih Tzu in your bed. It is important to consider both the dog’s and human’s health and well-being. While it’s natural to want to spend time with your Shih Tzu, there are some factors to consider:

  1. Potential Separation Anxiety: Sleeping with your Shih Tzu can be enjoyable for both of you, but it might lead to separation anxiety for the dog.
  2. Hygiene Concerns: Dogs can carry bacteria and microorganisms on their fur, which can cause allergies and health problems for humans.
  3. Agreements with Others: If you share your bed with another person, it’s essential to have a mutual agreement to avoid discomfort.
  4. Frequent Bedding Changes: Regularly changing your bedding can help prevent dirt and bacteria from accumulating.

The article suggests that maintaining hygiene and comfort is crucial if you decide to let your Shih Tzu sleep in your bed. It also recommends using darker-colored bedding to hide dog hair or lighter bedding to easily spot and change it. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleeping arrangement for both you and your Shih Tzu.

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