9 Lies and 1 Truth About Shih Tzus: Separating Fact from Fiction

9 Lies and 1 Truth About Shih Tzus: Separating Fact from Fiction

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Understanding the unique behaviors and characteristics of our beloved SHIH-TZUs is essential for responsible ownership and ensuring their well-being. Over the years, many myths and misconceptions have arisen about these charming companions. In this exploration, we’ll uncover nine common myths and one undeniable truth about SHIH-TZUs.

  1. They Can’t See Colors:
    It’s often said that SHIH-TZUs see the world in black and white. However, this is a misconception. While they may not perceive colors as vividly as humans, SHIH-TZUs can, in fact, see some colors.
  2. Tail Wagging Indicates Happiness:
    The assumption that a wagging tail always means a happy dog is not entirely accurate. Tail wagging can signify various emotions, including happiness, but it can also signal anxiety, fear, or other feelings. Understanding the context is crucial.
  3. Size Determines Lifespan:
    Contrary to the belief that larger dogs live longer, it’s often the smaller breeds, like SHIH-TZUs, that enjoy a longer life. On average, small dogs tend to outlive larger breeds.
  4. Dogs Can’t Watch Flat-Screen TVs:
    People used to think that dogs couldn’t watch modern flat-screen TVs. The argument was that dogs perceived older tube TVs, which showed images at around 24 frames per second, as a series of moving images. However, dogs can see images on flat-screen TVs despite the difference in frame rate.
  5. Wake Them Up from Nightmares:
    Whether SHIH-TZUs dream or not is a topic of debate. Nonetheless, signs suggest they do experience dreams during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. While it’s important to comfort your dog if they appear distressed during sleep, waking them up may not always be necessary.
  6. A Wet Nose Equals Health:
    The belief that a healthy dog must have a cold, wet nose is a common misconception. A warm and dry nose does not necessarily indicate illness. The moisture and temperature of a dog’s nose can vary for many reasons, such as recent activity or environmental factors.
  7. Bacon Is Safe for Dogs:
    Most people know that chocolate is harmful to dogs, but some are unaware that certain human foods, including bacon, can also be dangerous. Bacon is high in fat and salt, making it an unhealthy choice for dogs. It can lead to digestive issues and even more severe problems.
  8. Dogs Love Hugs:
    While many of us believe dogs enjoy being hugged, the reality can be quite different. Dogs interpret hugging as a dominant behavior. Placing an arm or body over a dog can make them feel anxious or threatened. What we see as affection, they may perceive as dominance.
  9. Grass Eating Indicates Sickness:
    It’s commonly thought that when dogs eat grass, they do so to make themselves sick, potentially to eliminate something harmful from their stomachs. In reality, research suggests that less than 10% of dogs who eat grass appear to be unwell. Many dogs simply enjoy the taste or eat grass as a natural behavior.
  10. SHIH-TZU Understands Human Emotions:
    The undeniable truth is that SHIH-TZUs, like many dogs, are remarkably attuned to human emotions. Studies have shown that they can detect changes in our expressions, tone of voice, and scent. Even without scientific evidence, countless anecdotes demonstrate their ability to provide comfort and support during times of sadness or distress.

So, while there are many myths surrounding SHIH-TZUs, these delightful dogs have an innate ability to understand and respond to our emotions, making them truly special companions.

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