7+ Things About Shih Tzu Ears You Never Knew About

Shih Tzu ears

7+ Things About Shih Tzu Ears You Never Knew About

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Let’s reveal some weird things about your Shih Tzu ears that you didn’t even know about! Let’s talk now about the part of your Shih Tzu body responsible for its second most powerful sense.

Yes, we are talking about the ear! How many of these curiosities did you know?

Facts about your Shih Tzu’s ears that you never knew

1- Your Shih Tzu’s ears can move independently of each other, using 18 different muscles.

See also: 7+ Healthy Human Foods Your Shih Tzu Can Eat

2- Shih Tzu can hear 4 times better than humans – Canine hearing is amazing. Shih Tzu can hear sounds that are imperceptible to our ears, such as electronic frequencies.

3- You can interpret your Shih Tzu’s mood through the position of its ears.

Ears raised mean he’s on alert. Backward means he is scared or stressed.

In a neutral position, it means he is relaxed and happy.

4- Shih Tzu’s ear canal is shaped like an “L”.

This is one of the reasons Shih Tzus are susceptible to ear infections. The “L” shape facilitates the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. Here comes the importance of cleaning your Shih Tzu ears regularly.

See also: OMG! Follow These Wonderful Ways To Extend Your Shih Tzu Life Span

5- Your Shih Tzu tilts its head to better focus the sound.

At least that’s what scientists think, as this canine habit is still not completely unraveled.

6- Your Shih Tzu hears better than you.

Canine hearing is highly developed.

They can hear sounds that are imperceptible to our ears, such as electronic frequencies.

7- Your Shih Tzu was born deaf.

Shih Tzu puppies are born deaf. The Shih Tzu’s ear canals remain closed for the first two weeks of life.

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