6 Things Your Shih Tzu Dislikes, Despite Your Beliefs

6 Things Your Shih Tzu Dislikes, Despite Your Beliefs

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We often treat our Shih Tzus like humans, assuming they enjoy everything we do. However, there are things they really dislike.

Here’s what you might think your Shih Tzu enjoys, but that’s not the case. Prepare to be surprised!

Avoid imposing activities your Shih Tzu dislikes.

It might sound amusing, but refrain from actions your Shih Tzu doesn’t appreciate. Despite your adoration for your furry friend, there are things they simply can’t stand. Yes, you read that correctly.

Shih Tzus struggle to express dissatisfaction verbally, relying on subtle cues. Here’s what they dislike, even if you think otherwise:

  1. Words

Shih Tzus communicate through body language, not words. While we love to chat endlessly, they don’t understand most of our vocabulary. To ensure they follow commands, be direct and train them consistently.

  1. High sticks

Playing “jump as high as you can” with a stick might amuse you, but it stresses them out and risks injury. Keep games at their level to avoid frustration and harm.

  1. Hugs

Although you adore your Shih Tzu, they may not appreciate being hugged. This can cause stress, as dogs don’t hug each other. Respect their boundaries to avoid negative reactions.

  1. Affection (when scared)

While cuddling your Shih Tzu is comforting, it can worsen their fear during stressful situations. Recognize when they need space rather than affection.

  1. Staring into their eyes

Extended eye contact can make Shih Tzus uneasy, possibly leading to aggression. Respect their comfort by avoiding prolonged stares.

  1. Repetitive play

While fetching may start as fun, it can quickly become tedious. Pay attention to cues indicating they’ve had enough, such as walking away or retreating to their bed.

Understanding your Shih Tzu’s preferences enhances your bond and ensures their happiness. Pay attention to their signals and respect their boundaries.

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