6 Natural Supplements to Help with Itching and Allergies in Your Shih Tzu

6 Natural Supplements to Help with Itching and Allergies in Your Shih Tzu

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We are providing valuable information on alleviating itching and allergies in Shih Tzus using natural supplements. We will mention six natural ingredients that can be incorporated into a Shih Tzu’s diet to minimize allergy symptoms:

1. Colostrum: Often referred to as the “first milk,” colostrum provides essential antibodies and amino acids, supporting a healthy immune system. It can be especially beneficial in managing allergies by addressing immune system imbalances.

2. Reishi Mushrooms**: These mushrooms offer a range of benefits for dogs, including allergy relief, immune system strengthening, liver protection, blood pressure regulation, and kidney health support. Reishi mushrooms contain ganoderic acid, known for preventing the release of histamines that trigger allergies.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar: With its antifungal and antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar is effective in soothing allergy symptoms like dry skin and itching. Some owners add a small amount to their dog’s water bowl, while others opt for supplements.

4. Salmon Oil: Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, salmon oil promotes a healthy immune system, skin, and coat. It can help alleviate itching and irritation, transforming a dog’s skin from itchy to soft and shiny.

5. Probiotics: These “good bacteria” play a crucial role in strengthening the immune system and promoting healthy digestion. Probiotics can often be found in allergy-specific dog formulas.

6. Quercetin: Known as “Nature’s Benadryl,” quercetin combats inflammation in the body. It has gained popularity as a natural remedy for canine allergies and can be administered as a supplement.

We also highlight common allergy symptoms in Shih Tzus, such as paw chewing, nasal discharge, excessive licking, ear issues, chewing specific body areas, itchy or watery eyes, and digestive problems. We emphasize the importance of consulting a veterinarian for personalized advice on managing allergies and itching in Shih Tzus.

In summary, this article serves as a resource for Shih Tzu owners looking to address allergies and itching in their pets using natural supplements. It underscores the significance of understanding the specific needs of individual dogs and seeking professional veterinary guidance when necessary.

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