Most dangerous foods for Shih Tzus
– There are certain foods that are harmful to Shih Tzu’s body, such as milk, onions, grapes, and chocolate. The Shih Tzus have already noticed that the “peaceful look” they stage yields good results, or rather, snacks. This is because tutors usually can’t resist the Shih Tzu’s face and end up giving some food that is part of their meal at the moment. This attitude should be avoided, as it contributes to a bad diet of the Shih Tzu puppy and also creates a bad addiction in the Shih Tzu.
However, the most concerning factor is the health of the Shih Tzu, which needs to be taken into consideration in the first instance. For example, it’s okay to offer your Shih Tzu bread, meat, some fruits, and vegetables, in a moderate way.
Foods Shih Tzus Can’t Eat
However, there are certain foods that are harmful to Shih Tzu’s body, such as milk, onions, grapes, and chocolate. All these items can harm the functioning of the canine organism and can lead the Shih Tzu to present delicate clinical conditions. So, check out more details on why these and other products should not be offered to Shih Tzu.
Shih Tzu can drink milk

Shih Tzu can’t drink milk – Shih Tzus usually stops breastfeeding within 40 days of birth. This is because at this age the teeth of shi Tzu puppies are already grown and they can already feed on solid products. Therefore, from this moment on, the enzyme capable of digesting lactose, that is, intestinal lactase, begins to disappear.
That’s why when milk is ingested by an adult Shih Tzu, he can have diarrhea, as the body cannot digest this food. In addition, cow’s milk cannot replace that of the bitch due to the levels of nutrients, as explained by veterinarian Wagner Luis Ferreira, in an interview with Veja Magazine.
“Cow’s milk has more lactose than canine mother’s milk, which can increase the risk of diarrhea.”
- Shih Tzu can eat grapes

Shih Tzu cannot eat grapes – This fruit is one of the exceptions in Shih Tzu’s life, as many others are good for his body. In the case of grapes, veterinarians and specialists have not yet discovered why this food is harmful to the Shih Tzu’s body. However, the tip is never to offer it to the pet, thus avoiding acute kidney failure in the Shih Tzu.
Shih Tzus can eat chocolate

Shih Tzu can’t eat chocolate – Many tutors already know the harm that chocolate does to Shih Tzu, but there are still those who don’t know. For this reason, it is always important to point out that this product contains a substance known as theobromine, responsible for increasing the heartbeat in Shih Tzu and also interfering with the animal’s nervous system.
Thus, the veterinarian and teacher, Ane Amaral, also warns in an interview with Veja about the health problems triggered by the ingestion of this food by Shih Tzu. “In dogs, food can cause cardiac arrest or a seizure,” she says.
- Shih Tzu can eat onions

Shih Tzu can’t eat onion – This vegetable should be vetoed from the puppy Shih Tzu’s diet, either pure or added as a seasoning in cooked foods. This is because the onion has allicin, a substance that interferes negatively in the bloodstream of Shih Tzu, causing anemia.
Garlic acts in a similar way since it contains alipropyl disulfide, an element that in excess can destroy hemoglobin.
Shih Tzus can eat bone

Shih Tzu can’t eat bone – Nutritionally speaking, bones are expendable in the Shih Tzu’s diet, since the nutrients provided by them can be found in other more appropriate foods such as pet food.
This is all not to mention the risks they pose to the Shih Tzu’s body, especially those that are hollow like those of a chicken. The risk, in fact, is present because the Shih Tzu, when grinding the bones with the mouth, will swallow splinters that can cause choking or even perforate an organ.
- Can Shih Tzu Eat Caffeinated Products Shih Tzu cannot eat products with caffeine – Just like chocolate, products that have caffeine can also interfere with the Shih Tzu’s nervous system and increase their heart rate. In this way, coffee, soft drinks, teas, etc., should not be part of Shih Tzu’s meals. Otherwise, the furry can present cardiac arrests and even seizures.
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