5 Things Humans Do With Their Shih Tzu But Annoy Them

Humans Annoy Shih Tzu

5 Things Humans Do With Their Shih Tzu But Annoy Them

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Without being able to understand exactly what your Shih Tzu wants to convey through barking and attitudes, humans often end up doing things that, despite seeming harmless, affectionate, and fun, irritate and annoy Shih Tzu.

Things that humans and annoy their Shih Tzu:

The old “joke” of holding a stick or object in the air to make the Shih Tzu jump can seem fun and even be seen as a stimulus for the practice of exercise, but know that the attitude causes stress and anxiety for the sensation. of helplessness and frustration and can even harm physical health, due to the concentrated effort that Shih Tzus have to make with their hind legs.

Leave him alone when he needs to stay

When a Shih Tzu appears scared, leave him alone and avoid hugging and petting. Contrary to what we usually imagine, showing excessive protection and affection can make the Shih Tzus even more afraid, as he feels that something really bad is happening. Try to keep it natural to convey calm to the puppy.

Manner in Hugs

Anyone who loves Shih Tzu knows how hard it is to resist the urge to give your Shih Tzu constant hugs. But know that the affectionate attitude can have the opposite effect and make the puppy uncomfortable, even if he doesn’t show discomfort clearly. Studies indicate that the vast majority of puppies show signs of anxiety and unease when hugged by their owners.

See also: Learn How To Leave Your Shih Tzu Alone At Home

There are more things that your Shih Tzu doesn’t like

Manner in dialogs

We constantly talk to our Shih Tzu, even though they are not able to understand words, only gestures. Insisting on “talking” all the time is another habit that can also cause a puppy great stress and anxiety.

Affection on the face

Shih Tzus may tolerate and not show obvious discomfort when you pet them on the face or pat them affectionately on the head, but know that they are not very fond of the gesture and much prefer to be stroked on the back, towards the tail.

See also: Why does my Shih Tzu Follow me everywhere?

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