5 Signs that Indicate Your Shih Tzu is in Pain

shih tzu grooming

5 Signs that Indicate Your Shih Tzu is in Pain

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Shih Tzu dogs are susceptible to various illnesses that can cause them significant discomfort. While they may not vocalize their pain like humans do, they communicate through subtle signals. In this article, we will explore five signs that may indicate your Shih Tzu is experiencing pain.

Decreased Appetite

If your Shih Tzu shows interest in food but refuses to eat or struggles to chew, it could be a sign of dental or gum problems. Additionally, reluctance to lower their head while eating may suggest pain in the cervical spine.

Paw Rubbing

Frequent paw rubbing throughout the day may indicate eye problems such as conjunctivitis or dry eye, causing corneal lesions. It could also be a result of excessive tartar, gum pain, dental fractures, or even tumors in the larynx, mouth, palate, glottis, or tongue.


Limping in Shih Tzu dogs may not always originate from their limbs. It can be a result of discomfort in the lower back or chest area. They may also exhibit reluctance to climb furniture or stairs and move more slowly, especially when lying down or getting up.

Head Shaking

Frequent head shaking, similar to when they are wet, can be a sign of ear pain. If this behavior persists, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to rule out more serious conditions.


While coughing in Shih Tzu dogs can be mistaken for a harmless choking sensation, it may indicate a more severe underlying condition such as canine parainfluenza virus or Bordetella infection, which can progress to pneumonia if left untreated.

Understanding the signs of pain in your Shih Tzu is crucial for their well-being. By paying attention to subtle indications such as decreased appetite, paw rubbing, limping, head shaking, and coughing, you can ensure early detection of potential health issues and seek appropriate veterinary care

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