5 Foods That Can Lead Your SHIH TZU to Death

5 Foods That Can Lead Your SHIH TZU to Death

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Let’s start with chewing. Pay attention the next time your SHIH TZU is eating something. Unlike us, who chew food by grinding it with our molars in lateral movements, SHIH TZU chew from top to bottom using their canines and front teeth.

Try eating like that and see how weird it feels! This means that our canine friends don’t break food into tiny pieces or almost turn it into a paste like we do.

Furthermore, SHIH TZU’s saliva doesn’t contain enzymes like ours, which help break down food for digestion; what their saliva does is kill germs.

Foods That Can Lead Your SHIH TZU to Death!

GARLIC AND ONION – These foods can harm the animal’s red blood cells if consumed in excess, eventually causing anemia and requiring a transfusion. The symptoms are weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath.

FATS, BACON, AND BONES – Does your dog sit under the table with those begging eyes, waiting for you to throw away those pieces of fat and bones? Then resist the temptation because both can be dangerous for your SHIH TZU, potentially causing pancreatitis. Additionally, your dog can choke on bones, or they can splinter and tear the SHIH TZU’s digestive system.

RAW EGGS – SHIH TZUs should not consume raw eggs for the same reason we don’t: salmonella and E. coli. Furthermore, certain enzymes in raw eggs interfere with the absorption of vitamin B, which can cause problems with your SHIH TZU’s coat.

RAW FISH AND MEAT – Like eggs, these foods also contain bacteria that can cause poisoning, so they should always be thoroughly cooked. Moreover, certain types of fish contain a parasite that, if not treated, can kill within two weeks. The signs of poisoning are vomiting, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

SWEET FOODS AND DRINKS – Need an explanation? All the damage that excess sugar consumption causes in humans also happens to SHIH TZUs: obesity, dental problems, and eventually diabetes.


You’ve read this far and taken all the precautions, but somehow your SHIH TZU ate something it shouldn’t have. Now what?

Always have your veterinarian’s phone number on hand (mine is on the refrigerator door), as well as the address of the nearest emergency clinic. If you notice that your dog is having a reaction to something toxic, seek help immediately.

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