5 Behaviors Indicating a Cry For Help From Your Shih Tzu

5 Behaviors Indicating a Cry For Help From Your Shih Tzu

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Caring for your Shih Tzu goes beyond the basics of feeding and grooming; it involves understanding their behaviors, especially those that might signal a plea for assistance.

  1. Dragging the Rear on the Ground:
    If your Shih Tzu frequently drags its rear on the ground accompanied by constant licking of the area, it could indicate inflammation or infection of the anal glands. While it might seem comical initially, this behavior may lead to discomfort. It’s advisable to consult a veterinarian to address and resolve this issue by emptying the anal sacs.
  2. Persistent Tail Chasing:
    While watching your Shih Tzu playfully chase its tail can be entertaining, persistent tail-chasing might be a sign of stereotyped behavior. This could be linked to factors such as boredom, anxiety, or stress. Additionally, it might indicate underlying health concerns. Seeking the advice of a veterinarian is essential for a proper diagnosis and appropriate intervention.
  3. Repeatedly Rubbing the Face:
    If your Shih Tzu consistently rubs its face against various surfaces, it might be experiencing discomfort. This behavior could be a response to eye or ear infections, or there might be something lodged between its teeth. If the behavior persists, professional advice is crucial to identify and address the underlying issue.
  4. Front Paw Squatting:
    Observing your Shih Tzu squatting with only its front paws, especially if it becomes a repetitive behavior, could signify more than just playfulness. It might be an indication of severe abdominal pain, potentially related to conditions like pancreatitis. Prompt veterinary attention is recommended to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.
  5. Excessive Scratching with Hind Legs:
    While the sight of your Shih Tzu scratching with its hind legs might seem amusing initially, continuous scratching could point to skin conditions. These may be caused by factors such as fleas, ticks, warts, or dermatitis. Regular and persistent scratching warrants professional consultation to safeguard your furry friend’s health.

Understanding and addressing these behaviors promptly is essential to ensure the well-being of your Shih Tzu. Regular veterinary check-ups and proactive care contribute to a happy and healthy life for your four-legged companion.

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