4 Ways to Tell If Your Shih Tzu Is Really Attached to You

4 Ways to Tell If Your Shih Tzu Is Really Attached to You

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When your Shih Tzu lays its head on your lap, gives you affectionate looks, and gets excited every time you come home, it means they already have a strong connection with you.

When we bring a pet home, we often wonder if they will bond with us, don’t we? In some cases, it happens almost immediately.

However, sometimes it may take a while. Especially for dogs that had a difficult and complicated start in life, they may take longer to overcome fear and trust people again.

But with time and love, they all become more attached to their families and form a strong connection.

Here are four signs that your SHIH TZU is already strongly attached to you:

1 – They don’t try to escape every time you open the door

We’ve mentioned that it might be natural for Shih Tzus to try to leave the house from time to time.

Them not exhibiting this behavior so much can also be a sign that they are so attached to you that they don’t feel the need to “explore the world” outside. Despite their curiosity, they won’t have the same desperate urge to leave every time you open the door.

2 – They lay their head on your lap

Not all Shih Tzus are fond of hugs, but when your pet lays its head on your lap, feet, or any part of your body, it means they trust you a lot and have already formed a bond with you.

3 – Affectionate looks

A Shih Tzu that isn’t attached to you or is more frightened won’t look at you much.

When the animal is more attached to you, they will start to give you affectionate looks, and you will feel all the happiness and love through their eyes.

4 – They miss you and show it

A indifferent dog towards a person usually doesn’t make much of a fuss when they come home. But if your Shih Tzu has started to get excited every time you come home, it means they are attached to you and miss you when you’re away.

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