4 Ways to Reward Your Shih Tzu Who Spent the Whole Day Alone At Home

4 Ways to Reward Your Shih Tzu Who Spent the Whole Day Alone At Home

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When we return from work, we can’t let fatigue prevent us from spending time with our Shih Tzu. Of course, we would love to spend the whole day with our Shih Tzu, but it’s not always possible.

Unfortunately, it’s very common for Shih Tzus to be alone during the day because we go to work or study. And that’s exactly why we should cherish every second with our best friend.

Here are 4 ways to reward your Shih Tzu for your absence during the day:

  1. Don’t let tiredness be an excuse not to play with your Shih Tzu. Don’t forget that he waited for you for several hours and missed you.
  2. Take a walk and socialize with the Shih Tzu. Walking is very important in the life of Shih Tzus, and if you can take him to a park so he can interact with other dogs, even better.
  3. Teach a new trick to the Shih Tzu. If the Shih Tzu spends many hours alone, he needs mental stimulation when you get home. Teaching a new trick will fulfill this role and will also make you more connected to each other.
  4. Spoil your Shih Tzu with toys. Of course, we’re not talking about buying your Shih Tzu’s love, but giving him good reasons for fun. Play with your Shih Tzu. Additionally, these toys will also be used by the Shih Tzu when he’s alone.
  5. Set aside some time just for the two of you. It’s no use saying that watching TV lying on the couch with your Shih Tzu is spending time with him. Set aside 15 minutes to dedicate all your attention to your Shih Tzu, to play and/or walk.

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