4 Ways to Determine if Your Shih Tzu is Bonded to You

4 Ways to Determine if Your Shih Tzu is Bonded to You

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When your Shih Tzu rests its head on your lap, gazes at you lovingly, and becomes ecstatic every time you come home, it means that a strong bond has already formed between you and your furry companion.

When we bring a new pet home, we often wonder if they will develop an attachment to us. In some cases, this bond forms almost instantly. However, it may take a little longer, especially for dogs that have had a difficult and challenging start in life. These dogs might take more time to overcome their fears and regain trust in humans.

But with time and the love they receive, all dogs gradually become more connected to their families and form strong bonds.

Here are four signs that indicate your Shih Tzu is strongly bonded to you:

  1. They don’t attempt to escape every time you open the door

We’ve mentioned before that it can be a natural behavior for Shih Tzus to occasionally try to leave the house. However, if your Shih Tzu doesn’t exhibit this behavior as much, it can also be a sign that they are so attached to you that they don’t feel the need to “explore the world.” Despite their curiosity, they won’t have the same desperate desire to escape every time you open the door.

  1. They rest their head on your lap

Not all Shih Tzus enjoy hugs, but when your dog rests their head on your lap, feet, or any part of your body, it means they trust you deeply and have formed a strong connection with you.

  1. Affectionate gazes

A Shih Tzu that isn’t bonded to you or is still fearful won’t maintain prolonged eye contact. When your dog becomes more attached to you, they will start gazing at you, and you will feel their happiness and love through their eyes.

  1. They miss you and show it

A dog who is indifferent towards a person usually doesn’t make a big fuss when they come home. However, if your Shih Tzu starts getting excited every time you return home, it means they are bonded to you and miss you when you’re away.

By observing these behaviors in your Shih Tzu, you can gauge the strength of your bond and the level of trust they have developed in you. Remember, patience, love, and care are essential in building a strong connection with your furry friend.

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