3 Vaccines Your Shih Tzu Should Take Every Year

3 Vaccines Your Shih Tzu Should Take Every Year

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Vaccines with Annual Boosters in shih tzu – Which vaccines should be boosted annually in shih tzu. Of all the most frequent care you should have with your shih tzu, vaccination is one of the most important.

Many owners believe that they only need to adopt or buy the shih tzu, give him food and love, without worrying about his health, without taking him to the vet or for vaccination.

Worse, many buy or adopt “already vaccinated” shih tzu puppies and believe they will never have to spend on shih tzu healthcare again, taking him to the vet only when he is already very sick.

Vaccines Your SHIH TZU Should Take Every Year

SHIH TZU puppies need to receive a vaccine, even when puppies, known as octuple for preventing eight types of diseases that were once common. These diseases are distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus, coronavirus, infectious hepatitis, kennel cough, and two agents of leptospirosis.

  • The octuple vaccine should be boosted annually, and only after deworming. The octuple vaccine is the basic vaccine your shih tzu should take every year, but besides it, there are several vaccines on the market that prevent other diseases.
  • Depending on where you live, there may be some type of epidemic, or veterinarians may be noticing an increase in some type of disease and recommend that your shih tzu take a vaccine to prevent it.
  • Another vaccine that should be boosted annually is the rabies vaccine, which prevents rabies, a dangerous disease for your shih tzu and for humans. Unfortunately, the rabies vaccine will only prevent rabies, while the octuple vaccine prevents eight more diseases that can be fatal to your dog.
  • With the annual visit to the vet for deworming and reinforcement of the octuple, and participation in the annual rabies campaign, your dog can enjoy a healthy and safe life.

It is very important to take your shih tzu to the vet and already agree with him at what time you should take your shih tzu, every year, for a general consultation for vaccine reinforcement and deworming.

The vet, knowing the shih tzu’s profile, your location, and knowing which diseases

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