3 Vaccines Your Shih Tzu Should Receive Every Year

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3 Vaccines Your Shih Tzu Should Receive Every Year

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When it comes to caring for your Shih Tzu, vaccines are one of the most important responsibilities. Many owners believe that simply adopting or buying a Shih Tzu, providing food and love, is enough and they don’t need to worry about its health or take it to the vet for vaccinations.

Moreover, many people purchase or adopt “already vaccinated” Shih Tzu puppies and think they won’t have to spend any more money on their healthcare, only taking them to the vet when they are already very sick.

Vaccines that your SHIH TZU should receive every year

Shih Tzu puppies need to receive a vaccine known as the octuple vaccine, which prevents eight common diseases. These diseases include distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus, coronavirus, infectious hepatitis, kennel cough, and two agents of leptospirosis.

The octuple vaccine is the basic vaccine that your Shih Tzu should receive every year, but in addition to that, there are several other vaccines available on the market that prevent other diseases.

Depending on where you live, there may be an epidemic or veterinarians may notice an increase in a particular disease, and they may recommend that your Shih Tzu receive a vaccine to prevent it.

Another vaccine that should be boosted annually is the rabies vaccine, which prevents rabies, a dangerous disease for both your Shih Tzu and humans. Unfortunately, the rabies vaccine only prevents rabies, while the octuple vaccine prevents eight more diseases that can be fatal to your dog.

By annually visiting the veterinarian for deworming and octuple vaccine boosters, and participating in the annual rabies vaccination campaign, your dog can enjoy a healthy and safe life.

It is crucial to take your Shih Tzu to the veterinarian and discuss with them the timing for the annual general check-up, vaccine boosters, and deworming.

The veterinarian, being familiar with your Shih Tzu profile, the local conditions, and the diseases posing the greatest threat to your Shih Tzu’s health each year, is the best person to determine which vaccines your Shih Tzu should receive annually and when.

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