3 Reasons Why Your Shih Tzu Can’t Stop Following You

3 Reasons Why Your Shih Tzu Can’t Stop Following You

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It might seem a bit strange when your Shih Tzu wants to accompany you everywhere, but there are some reasons for this behavior.

By nature, dogs live in packs and feel unhappy when they are alone. That’s why dogs need constant interaction and enjoy playing, eating, and sleeping with their family.

Your Shih Tzu doesn’t understand when you need a little privacy. In fact, they think they’re doing you a favor by following you even into the bathroom.

Your Shih Tzu Might Be Protecting You

Your Shih Tzu might think that you won’t be able to protect yourself alone and is ready to help you. When dogs hear noises and can’t see what’s happening on the other side of the door, they fear that their owner might be in danger.

Your Shih Tzu Might Be Afraid of Missing Out

Your home is part of your Shih Tzu’s territory. So, when something is happening, they simply get curious and want to be included.

Moreover, waiting for their owner’s return can be very boring for the Shih Tzu. “Unusual” activities pique the animal’s curiosity.

Your Shih Tzu Wants Attention

Some dogs are more needy than others and require more attention, kisses, and cuddles to feel loved and secure. So, don’t brush off your Shih Tzu right away; they might just need a little pampering.

Your Shih Tzu Can Sense When You’re Sad

Shih Tzus are very intuitive and can detect emotions through body language and scent. This means that if you’re sad or not feeling well, your dog will sense that something is wrong. Therefore, your pet will seek some way to comfort you.

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