12 Things Only Shih Tzu Owners Will Understand

12 Things Only Shih Tzu Owners Will Understand

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Shih Tzus, those adorable little furballs with their unique personalities, hold a special place in the hearts of their owners. If you’re lucky enough to have one of these charming dogs as your furry companion, you’ll undoubtedly relate to the following 12 experiences that only Shih Tzu owners can truly grasp.

1 How dare you eat that delicious ice cream without sharing it with me???

Shih Tzus has perfected the art of giving you those irresistible puppy-dog eyes when they see you enjoying a tasty treat. It’s almost impossible to resist sharing your food with them, and they know it.

2 This pillow is mine!

Your Shih Tzu’s favorite spot in the house might be your favorite pillow. They have a knack for claiming what they consider theirs, including your comfy cushions.

3 Tell me why you’re mad at me. I’m listening, human!

Shih Tzus are experts at sensing your emotions. When you’re upset, they’ll be there, trying to console you with their adorable presence.

4 Beep-beep!

Shih Tzus often has a curious and inquisitive nature. They’ll investigate every nook and cranny of your home, making their presence known with their playful “bip-bip” sounds.

5 Mom, this is the last one. Do you want it???

Whether it’s their favorite toy or a delicious treat, Shih Tzus has a generous spirit. They’ll gladly offer you their treasures as if asking, “Do you want it?”.

6 Capture this!!

Shih Tzus can turn even the most ordinary moments into delightful photo opportunities with their lively and animated behavior. They have a knack for striking cute poses that make you want to capture every precious moment.

7 They want to be by your side 24/7.

Shih Tzus are notorious for their loyalty and affection. They’ll follow you around the house, ensuring they’re never far from your side.

8 They must steal food.

It’s not uncommon for Shih Tzus to develop a knack for sneaking bites of your dinner when you’re not looking. They’re masters of food theft.

9 When your dog takes over your bed.

Your Shih Tzu might start as a tiny pup, but before you know it, they’ve conquered your entire bed. They stretch out comfortably, leaving you with just a sliver of space to sleep.

10 Is that your child??

Shih Tzus often has long, flowing fur that can resemble the iconic Star Wars character Chewbacca. People might even ask if your Shih Tzu is related to the Wookiee!

11 And now, listen up, humans! We have new house rules starting today!

Shih Tzus have a way of asserting themselves, and they might decide it’s time to establish new rules in the household, which usually involve more treats and belly rubs.

12 What’s this? Where’s my birthday cake???

Shih Tzus loves a good celebration, especially when it involves cake. They have a knack for making you feel guilty if you forget their special day.

In conclusion, owning a Shih Tzu is a delightful adventure filled with love, laughter, and a few stolen bites of your dinner. These charming little dogs have a way of capturing your heart with their unique quirks and irresistible personalities.

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