11 Ways a Shih Tzu Shows Love for Its Owner

11 Ways a Shih Tzu Shows Love for Its Owner

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We all know that a dog is man’s best friend, but what many don’t know is how they express their affection and love for their owner. Each breed has its own unique way of showing love, and here are 11 of the most common ways a Shih Tzu demonstrates love to ensure you recognize when your best friend engages in any of these:

1. **Tail Wagging:** The dog’s tail can express various emotions such as happiness, tension, and fear. The speed at which the tail moves indicates its feelings. A calm movement signifies tranquility, while a rapid and friendly wagging means the dog is delighted to see you!

2. **Licking Your Face:** Licking the owner’s face is one of the most common and well-known ways dogs show love. If your Shih Tzu does this frequently, it means they love you and have a lot of affection for you.

3. **Jumping:** Jumping is also a very common way for dogs to express their love for their owners. It happens more often when owners spend a lot of time away, and upon their return, dogs jump to get closer to their faces.

4. **Following You:** Following the owner is a way for the dog to show that it’s around, socializing with the owner and demonstrating protection for its best friend.

5. **Sleeping Near You:** Dogs have the habit of sleeping with people, and if they truly love you, they’ll likely want to sleep or take a nap as close to you as possible.

6. **Showing Concern When You’re Sick:** Dogs have a sensitivity that many people find hard to believe. But when you’re sick or feeling down, they will likely stay by your side to show support and affection.

7. **Loyalty:** We’re all accustomed to hearing that dogs are the most loyal creatures on this planet, and you can bet they really are. If you ever need it, you’ll realize how loyal your dog is to you.

8. **Touching You:** This is one of the well-known movements by cats, rubbing against their owners’ legs or anyone they trust. Dogs also do the same when they sense their owner is about to leave, to show the affection and love they have.

9. **Smiling:** Yes, dogs can smile just like us to show they are happy. If you’ve ever looked at your dog and felt it was smiling, don’t doubt it. It was smiling at you because it was happy!

10. **Peeing in Front of You:** It might seem strange, but doing this in front of the owners is a common behavior for a dog to show love, especially when they are puppies.

11. **Sniffing Your Intimate Area:** Some people get annoyed by this because they don’t understand, but sniffing the owner’s intimate parts is like the dog’s way of greeting, similar to our common handshake or hug. It might seem odd, but it’s also a way for them to show the respect they have for you.

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