11+ Signs Your Shih Tzu Makes a Fool Out of You

11+ Signs Your Shih Tzu Makes a Fool Out of You

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And you embrace this role with all the pleasure in the world. You put your Shih Tzu on the bed even though he can get up by himself. “I can’t do it, look how cute I am!

  1. He steals your spot on the bed and you let him.
  2. He only eats his food from your hand. “The bowl makes the food taste weird, you know?”
  3. You can’t get mad when he misbehaves. Because he makes that face. Forgiven.
  4. When he chews your slipper, you find it cute and even take a picture. The money for the Havaianas is already part of the monthly budget.
  5. He knows that just by making a certain face, he’ll get food. “OK, but just this time, alright?’
  6. Doesn’t let you work when he wants attention. “I swear it was my Shih Tzu, boss”.
  7. Sleeps on top of you and you don’t move so as not to disturb his sleep. Poor thing, right? Leads a very stressful life.
  8. He asks for affection and gives you a dirty look when you stop, forcing you to spend hours massaging his belly. “More!!!! More!!!! More!!!”
  9. Besides forcing you to throw the ball billions of times. “Again, you useless!!!!”
  10. He thinks he’s human. Rightfully so, because you do everything to make him believe. “Yeah, now he’s used to it…”
  11. And you let him do things that not even humans can.

And you have no doubt that he deserves absolutely all the privileges.

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