10 Steps To Bathing Your Shih Tzu At Home, The Easiest Way

bathing shih tzu

10 Steps To Bathing Your Shih Tzu At Home, The Easiest Way

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Weekend coming, heat, sun and everyone cheers up! Soon we thought “Good weather, I’m going to bathe my Shih Tzu at home”

I love bathing the Shih Tzu here at home, I confess it’s my hobby, I spend an afternoon dedicated to my Shih Tzu and they love it.

And for these moments to be special and not to worry about skin problems in the future, we have to follow some rules. So let’s get to work… Let’s get to know The 10 steps to bathing your Shih Tzu at home!

10 steps to bathe your Shih Tzu at home

1- Define the place to bathe your Shih Tzu, it must be comfortable for both of you and separate all the necessary material.

2-You will need Towel, cotton, ear and eye cleaning product, shampoo, conditioner, brush, comb, and hairdryer.

You may need a product for withdrawals from us and for those who like it, you can pass a perfume.

bathing shih tzu

3- The water must be warm, in hot regions you can use the freshest water, but avoid cold water as your Shih Tzu may not like it.

Shih Tzu doesn’t really enjoy a hose bath, as they are small they can’t tolerate cold water.

bathing shih tzu

4- Choose the ideal shampoo for your Shih Tzu.

Today in the pet market we have many options, always choose neutral products suitable for Shih Tzu.

Their skin is different from ours, so when using products suitable for humans, the skin can become dry and trigger allergic crises.

5-Start wetting your Shih Tzu’s body with the paws and back, avoid throwing water directly on the head, they don’t like it and water can get in the ear.

Soap well all parts of the body and rinse, a tip is to avoid leaving residues in the fur, when you think it’s good, rinse it, and rinse again! This way we avoid the appearance of possible allergies.

See also: Tips For Caring For Your Shih Tzu In An Apartment

6- Now the head… Don’t be afraid, start by wetting your hand, and with it wet the head of our Shih Tzu.

Many recommend cotton inside the ear, I particularly think that cotton is bad, because it is water friendly and it will attract all the water it has contact with, in addition to the risk of forgetting it inside and causing otitis. To solve this, close the ear with your hand and wash it well.

7- Use a good conditioner, always apply it in the direction of the hair, and then rinse.

8- Wrap your little friend in the towel and let’s dry. The dryer must be warm and never touch the body of our little friend, he can get burned. Always brush in the direction of the hair, and place the dryer wind directed also towards the direction of the hair.

With this, we avoid the formation of knots. To choose the best brush, take a look at the post I made with brush tips.

bathing shih tzu

9- The best thing is that your Shih Tzu is familiar with the dryer since puppy because it is an effective way to dry his fur.

In specialized stores, you can get a special dryer for Shih Tzu, which makes less noise than normal ones and does not have a very high temperature.

bathing shih tzu

10- Now with it dry, let’s clean the ear. Take the cotton and wet it with cleaning products and only clean the outside and inside just as far as your finger reaches, without fear the anatomy of the Shih Tzu’s ear is different from ours and the eardrum is far away! With a cotton pad and eye product, clean the eyes.

It’s over, if you want to use perfume and thank your dog for this moment you spent together. Offer a treat so he can associate bathing with a reward!

This article is for information purposes only, we are not able to prescribe any veterinary treatment or perform any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your Shih Tzu to the vet if he has any kind of condition or discomfort.

Therefore, please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments on Facebook.

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